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Feb/March 2023 Prayer Letter

Writer's picture: Caleb & Abby RobinsonCaleb & Abby Robinson

Dear Supporting Partners,

Another couple of months have passed by in our ministry in Zambia, and we want to thank you for your faithful support and prayers. They are vital to our ministry and a blessing to us here and encouragement. The past couple months have been a very busy time for us in our ministries here.

God has opened a door for me to teach in a local government school once a week which has been very exciting. I started with about eight students, and we are slowly growing in number and consistent attendance. The exciting part with these students is that this class is strictly voluntary. They are postponing their lunch time and waiting an hour later to go home. We have been teaching a Creation to Christ program. Because many Zambians claim to be Christians, this has been a good class to help them understand what the Bible actually says. A huge challenge with the youth I have been dealing with is so many suffering from serious discouragement, due to a variety of things, and helping them understand that their purpose in Christ gives them hope. Please pray for these students and the future of this ministry. I believe this will be able to grow in the future, Lord willing, into other schools.

I have been continuing to teach chapel once a week at the Christian School at New Testament Baptist Church that was started by a fellow missionary in the city. It has been a great experience and fun time with these kids as we have been teaching through the Bible there as well.

I have been continuing to do a Bible study once a week with a local soccer (football) team which has been a great time. I have about twenty young men from 15 to 35 that I am getting to preach to. Lord willing the future will allow us to have a church in the area that these guys would be able to attend regularly.

On Fridays now, I have been able to help with a Bible Club that a fellow missionary started some time ago. Because of the growth of the club and the age of the students, he has asked me to help with teaching the teens. We have five or six right now that are coming regularly, which is exciting. Our goal is to provide an environment that will challenge them spiritually, and allow them to grow in their Christian walk. I am going to be teaching a teen apologetics course, as too many don’t know what they actually believe. Please pray for these young men that they will grow and not get caught up in all the sin that surrounds them, or that they don’t get carried away into all the false religions that surround them. With the prevalence of the Charismatic church and growth of Islam, I am trying to give them a solid grounding in the Word of God, but also give them an ability to contend for the faith. Please pray for me as I teach them.

Please be in prayer for an upcoming opportunity to preach at a Pastors Conference outside of Lusaka. I have been invited by a Zambian Evangelist who is connected with several churches across Zambia, and I am looking forward to the opportunity to encourage these men in the work.

Also, please be in prayer for a new Bible study that we are helping our fellow missionary with. This could be the beginning of a new church plant here in southern Lusaka. It is a group of people from a variety of backgrounds that are just looking for a solid Bible preaching church. It is amazing to see how God has been putting the pieces together, and we are excited to see where it will go. Currently we are meeting once a week with a possibility of meeting twice a week in the near future. Please be in prayer for this, as this could be a huge step in our ministry in Zambia. Please be in prayer with us, as we are searching for a building or property to rent or buy for the future growth of this ministry. A regular place to meet would be huge step in the growth for everything.

We thank you so much for your continued support and care and prayer. It means more then you would ever know. Please be in prayer for wisdom in these ministries and future opportunities that are opening. Also, please be in prayer for the last bit of my wife’s pregnancy, and that everything goes smoothly. We thank the Lord that so far everything is going well.


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