Dear Praying Friends,
The past few months have been quite the adventure for our family! The Lord has really blessed our schedule, and we have been very busy with missions conferences and meetings. In all of these things, we have been shown over and over again God’s hand of mercy and provision. We have been able to meet several new friends, and our kids have been enjoying meeting new people. It amazes me how God places individuals from all walks of life in different places in order to accomplish His grand goal for missions. We have been encouraged over the past few months to have had several new supporting churches. It is exciting to watch as people become excited about a burden that you share with them, and how God is working in different places around the world.
Praise the Lord, with the new churches that have taken us on over the past couple months we are now at about 60% of our support. This is a huge breakthrough as we are now officially over the 50% mark, and we are excited about being done with deputation this year. The work in Zambia is waiting for us, and we are just looking forward to being there and ministering to the people there. Every conference that we finish or every meeting that we are at is just getting us that much closer to our new ministry in Zambia and the souls that God has called us to reach.
Many of the churches that we have been in have asked us to speak to their children’s classes about Zambia, and it has been a blessing to see the young people’s interest in missions and their sincere desire to tell others about Christ. At a church in Virginia, I even had the chance to lead a young boy to the Lord; the seed had been planted and watered for many months by his family and his church, but I was able to experience the fruit. What a blessing!
I would also like to take the time to say thank you to all of you that pray for us, as your prayers have been answered many times in our travels. I think that for some reason that the quarantine of last year must have affected everyone’s driving abilities, because we have seen some of the worst driving over the past couple of months. On one of our most recent trips, we were almost in two major accidents in one day, and we were thankful for your prayers. One of those accidents reminded us of the brevity of life, as well as why we need to tell the lost about Christ. We don’t know when our life will be snatched away or the life of the lost will be gone for an eternity. Our family stopped for dinner at a restaurant in Florida, and on our way from there to the hotel we were right behind an accident that took the lives of two women and injured three others including two children. We are so thankful that God protected us, but also humbled to know that it could have been us. Please pray for your missionaries, because you never know if they are going through something at that moment and they just need a simple prayer from a prayer partner.
Thank you for your support and prayers, and we look forward to when we can be back giving a report of what God is doing in Africa.
Thanking the Lord for your love and support,
Caleb, Abby, Rosalie, and Oliver Robinson
