Dear Praying Friends and Faithful Supporters,
So much has happened over the past couple months, and it has been an exciting time for the ministry here. As you know, the Lord allowed us to start a Bible study in the southern part of Lusaka with a fellow veteran missionary Justin Sauder. As we have been working together, the Bible study has been continuing to grow, and we have seen a variety of people from a variety of backgrounds attending. We feel the Lord has brought us to a position to now declare our Bible study as a church, and we are planning on having our Charter Sunday on October 15th, 2023. Please be in prayer for us and for this day. We will be baptizing a few of the people that have been saved and haven’t been baptized. We are averaging about forty people a week with children, so we feel this is a strong start. For the charter Sunday, we have met with a few of our faithful attendees about membership, and they have agreed, so we are excited to have such a special day. We will be having the Lord’s Supper, and even a small BBQ or “Braii” as it is called here.
We are working on all the necessary paperwork for the church itself so please be in prayer that we can do this with minimal corruption. The land that we are purchasing has almost been finalized. Please be in prayer for the land purchase as we finalize everything, and the building that we will build on the plot itself. Although the Bible study itself has kept us very busy since we have meetings during the week as well, we have also been able to stay busy with pastors training in some of the rural villages. We are working through the book of Second Corinthians, and we have been able to challenge the pastors from the Bible in a variety of areas. I have found the teaching through this book very encouraging for myself, and have enjoyed the study necessary to teach it. Please be in prayer for these men as they pastor, and that they will stay faithful to the Word and the calling God has called them to. Truly the future of missions is the leadership, and we are trying to develop leadership that has a right heart before God.
We have been busy with all of our other ministries as well, such as teaching in the chapel at the school and our various youth programs. Our Thursday night, Bible Study has been a good time as we have been working through various books of the Bible such as I John, Galatians and James. My wife has been able to help with a Ladies Bible Study on Tuesdays, which has been a good time for the ladies to fellowship and study the Bible. She also helps with the music on Sunday at the Bible study and teaches the little kids on Sunday. On Wednesday, our mens prayer and Bible study has been an encouraging time for us men as we study the book of Proverbs, and we have seen God answer many specific prayer requests. We want to thank all those that have given to the various projects that we have and want to say that we are being the best stewards we can with the money that we have been entrusted with. The place that we have been meeting for our Bible study has been a huge blessing, as they have continued to allow us to meet for free. We will be done meeting here at the end of this monthm as we have to shift to a new location for the rainy season while we are trying to build. We were able to find a hall at a private school that is literally 500 yards from where we are going to build the church. The Lord just continues to open doors that we would have never dreamed possible. They even gave us a cheaper rate for renting since we are just starting, and it is a huge blessing. Please pray that we can get all that is needed done over the next few months.
Praise the Lord Henry was finally able to get his birth certificate and we will be moving forward with getting the passport and other necessary documents! Thank you again for all your prayers and support, we are humbled and grateful to be serving God here in Zambia.
Serving together with you, Caleb, Abby, Rosalie, Oliver, and Henry Robinson