Dear Praying and Supporting Partners,
First and foremost, I hope this letter finds everyone in good health. The past couple months have been a whirlwind and a challenge for all of us. I know for pastors, as well as missionaries, that there have been many uncertainties and well as difficult decisions. I am thankful though for an Almighty God who never changes and holds the world in the palm of His hand. I would like to use this letter as an opportunity, not to talk about the things we already know or are concerned with in the world today, but to rather remind us of Who we serve. I serve a loving God who says in John 3:16 that He died for the whole world to save us from our sins. We serve a merciful God who has proven his mercies to me and my family over and again. We serve a just God who seeks for those who reject him to receive their due reward. These are just a few things that we all know. The past couple months have been an interesting time in our lives and has given me some time to just be still and know God. It has been a time to just think about Him, and what He has planned for me. Unfortunately it has been a time to try my patience, but it is something that I need to work on anyway. We all want things to happen in our time, and God has a very clear way of saying “wait on Me.” I am so thankful, though, for the many blessings I do have. I have wonderful wife and baby daughter as well as a son on the way, and those are true blessings. They all are in good health, and God has been faithful. In the world that we live in today, we see so many unthankful people, and I challenge you to not look around at the circumstances or conditions that face us, but rather on a God that is all knowing and all powerful. Take every moment to just be thankful for another day to serve Him, and ask Him for another to do more. We know that things in this world may look unreal, but I do truly believe it is just a sign of the coming of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It is a time to remember the rapture and the Blessed Hope that our brothers and sisters in Christ have been looking forard to for years. Yes, it could be decades from now or days from now ,but it is still one day closer to His return. In all this that is going on, I do also want to encourage you to not forget your missionaries and brothers and sisters in Christ that are overseas. The challenges that these inviduals face overseas in most third world countries are very real.
I would like to also give you some more good news from Zambia in regards to Frazer, the pastor I spoke about. He has been able to send us news that his daughter Naomi, who was close to death from cerebral malaria, has now made a full recovery. She is now able to speak and hear, and the mental damge that they thought was there is now gone. This has been a huge encouragement to him, but also a great opportunity of winessing for him in his village. The people there can now see the healing hand of God in a real way. They saw where she was and where she is now, and the only answer to her transformation is God. He is the great physician and He still heals. It took months and wasn’t sudden, but it was in God’s timing and in His way, and His ways are always perfect. I just want to encourage you that wherever you are or no matter your situation, God is in control and all He asks is for you to serve Him. Serve Him in whatever capacity you can, and God will do the work. This healing is just a testament of His mercy and longsuffering. The trials that we may face help us if we do not lose focus, and they only help our relationship with God to grow. Stand strong. Fight the good fight of faith. Serve Him who gave His life for you. Thanks for your prayers for us and for those in Africa, God is still working and people are still being saved.
Serving Him,
Caleb, Abby, and Rosalie Robinson
. . . when everything is closed while traveling . . . lunch and playtime happen in the backseat! :-)
